Bonita League
Bonita Schedule Information
TO FIND YOUR SCHEDULE: Go to www.SWFLA-Tennis.com and click on the Link at the right ‘BONITA Login & Registration’, (iPad’s scroll down to the bottom to see the links). Captains must login to be able to perform the following actions. After you login on your summary/profile page scroll down to the section ‘Competitions’ and click on the name of your team, usually the first one on the list. The team schedule shows in the section ‘Matches’. Your team roster is further down the page. To see your entire division click on ‘Standings’ at the top left. Teams start out alphabetically and adjust as scores are entered.
CLUBS HOME MATCH SCHEDULE: Clubs can view/print a schedule of all of their home matches. On your Club home page next to ‘Divisions’, click on ‘List Schedules’. There are several ways to view your club schedule of matches. To see only your home matches, select ‘Only home club then match date’. Please note that you can also have the home match report sent to excel instead of screen.
BOOK YOUR HOME COURTS: If you have conflicts in your schedule, please call/email the opposing captain to make other arrangements ASAP. Email League Coordinator, with any changes. Contact your club so they can change their court bookings.
CAPTAINS CALL or EMAIL YOUR OPPONENT AND CONFIRM MATCH DATE AND TIME a few days before the match. To locate opponents Captain’s phone numbers, click on the name of their team. Click on the captain’s email address to send them an email or call the number listed. If you cannot reach a captain, call their club. The tab ‘Reports’ on your team page allows you create a report of your division captain’s emails and telephone numbers. Select ‘Captain List’ under League Reports.
HOME TEAM PROVIDES THE BALLS. Please use Regular Duty balls. No Extra Duty (hard court) balls.
Some clubs provide light refreshments for after the match. Refreshments are not required.
PRINT SCORECARDS: Please bring the correct scorecard to your match. To print a blank scorecard, on your team page, click on ‘Options’ to the left of the date of your match, and select ‘Blank Scorecard’.
PLAYER AVAILABILITY: Captains can enter their player’s availability. On the team page click on the tab at the on the 'Matches' banner, ‘Player Availability’, then captains can click on their different player’s names to select or change their availabilities. Players can only click on their own name and can only change their own availability. The Captain can view the entire team. Players can enter their availability for all of your matches. Players log in and then click on the 'Availability' button on the Team Page. *This is not the same availability that's on a player's profile.
ENTER LINEUPS on Scorecards in advance (not required). Captains can enter their match line-up, located on the team page. The captain can choose to send an email to their players that the lineup is available online or they can select the lineup via the email. Players can confirm their availability when the captain sends the lineup. Only your players can view this lineup. Captains and players can confirm their lineup availability online located on the lineup page.
To enter your team lineups: Login and go to your team page. To the left of the date of the match under ‘Options’ click on ‘Line up’ and select players and designate who is to bring the snacks or balls, etc. A ‘Lineup’ button is also available on the right side of the weekly match venue. TO PRINT SCORECARDS that you have filled out with the lineup. Fill in the match line up and then, go back to the team page, next to the specific match date, click ‘Options’ and click on ‘Blank Scorecard’. Even though it says blank line up it will print the lineup you have already filled out under the ‘Line up’ tab.
The lineups may only be viewed by the players on the team. The players must login with an email address and password to view this information. If you wish to add your players email addresses, click on ‘Update’ to the right of their name and add their email. Their password will be emailed to them. If they need help with a password, have them email League Coordinators.
CAPTAINS PLEASE ENTER SCORES PROMPLTY!! Either captain enters the scores. On your team page, click on ‘Options’ to the left of the match date to enter the scores. Click on ‘Enter Score’. Third set tiebreakers are entered 1 – 0 (not the actual score). Please record scores within 24 hours.
OPPONENTS PLEASE CONFIRM SCORES PROMPTLY!! To see what scores were entered, click on the date of the match. Click on ‘I Confirm’ to finalize the match.
TIEBREAKS: Ties may occur in the standings or in matches that field an even number of positions. Least individual matches lost, then least individual sets lost, then least Individual games lost are the tie breaks.
RESCHEDULING MATCHES: If the match is rained out or rescheduled for any reason, the HOME captain can change the date of the match. Click on ‘New Date’ on your schedule and the home captain can enter a new date for the match. When the home captain enters a new date and clicks on ‘Rescheduled’ and then ‘Save’, an email is automatically sent to the opposing captain. The opposing captain must confirm the change by clicking on ‘Yes’ and ‘Save’. The match will be labeled ‘unconfirmed’ until the opposing captain agrees to the new match. If matches are to be played on different dates, the dates can be listed in the ‘comments’ section. The captains and players can easily read the ‘comments’ section to see how the rescheduling of the match has progressed. Once the mutually agreed date has been confirmed it can only be changed due to rain/hurricane.
Rick Calton
Bonita League Coordinator